carbonate$11336$ - translation to greek
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carbonate$11336$ - translation to greek

Carbonate Rock; Carbonate rocks; Carbonate sedimentary rock
  • [[Calcite]] crystals from Irai, [[Brazil]].

n. ανθρακικό άλας
soda ash         
  • Structure of monohydrate at 346 K
Soda ash; Washing soda; Crystal carbonate; Na2CO3; Fossil alkali; Sal soda; Sodium Carbonate; CNa2O3; Soda Ash; Na2co3; Na2CO2; Soda crystals; Soda (sodium carbonate); Calcined soda; Anhydrous sodium carbonate; Metahydrate sodium carbonate; E500i; Natrium carbonate; Kelping; Sodium carbonate monohydrate
ανθρακικό νάτριο
ammonium bicarbonate         
Ammonium Bicarbonate; Ammonium hydrogen carbonate; Baking ammonia; Salt of Hartshorn; Hornsalt; NH4HCO3; CH5NO3; Ambic; Ammonium hydrogencarbonate
διττανθρακικό αμμώνιο


salt of tartar
Pure carbonate of potash.


Carbonate rock

Carbonate rocks are a class of sedimentary rocks composed primarily of carbonate minerals. The two major types are limestone, which is composed of calcite or aragonite (different crystal forms of CaCO3), and dolomite rock (also known as dolostone), which is composed of mineral dolomite (CaMg(CO3)2). They are usually classified based on texture and grain size. Importantly, carbonate rocks can exist as metamorphic and igneous rocks, too. When recrystallized carbonate rocks are metamorphosed, marble is created. Rare igneous carbonate rocks even exist as intrusive carbonatites and, even rarer, there exists volcanic carbonate lava.

Carbonate rocks are also crucial components to understanding geologic history due to processes such as diagenesis in which carbonates undergo compositional changes based on kinetic effects. The correlation between this compositional change and temperature can be exploited to reconstruct past climate as is done in paleoclimatology. Carbonate rocks can also be used for understanding various other systems as described below.